§ 1501. Purpose and application  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The purposes of the site plan review process are to enable the planning commission to make a finding that the proposed development is in conformity with the intent and provisions of this ordinance and to guide the building official in the issuance of building permits. More specifically, site plan review is provided to ensure the following:


    That structures, parking areas, walks, refuse containers, landscaping, lighting and street improvements are properly related to their sites and to surrounding sites and structures;


    To prevent excessive grading of the land and creation of drainage hazards;


    To prevent the indiscriminate clearing of property and the destruction of trees and shrubs of ornamental value;


    To avoid unsightly, inharmonious, monotonous and hazardous site development, and to encourage originality in site design and development in a manner, which will enhance the physical appearance and attractiveness of the community. The site plan review process is intended to provide for expeditious review of environmental impact assessments required by official policy of the city and laws of the state.


    Site plan review provisions of this article shall apply to the following uses:


    Any use within the RCO, UR, R, RM, C and I districts, excepting single-family residential use which is to be constructed on a residential site with complete street improvements.


    Any use subject to an environment impact assessment under applicable provisions of city policy as adopted by resolution pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, as amended.


    Minor change in property use or change in occupancy:


    Minor changes in property use or occupancy that do not warrant full site plan review as determined by the building official will be required to make reasonable minor improvements or upgrade existing improvements under the provisions of section 1504.


    Minor changes in property use or occupancy that are obviously in a neglected state of repair or maintenance, as determined by the building official, will be required to be processed as a site plan review and be required to totally upgrade the property under the provisions of section 1504.


    A separate site plan review shall not be required of any use to be considered and approved as a conditional use under article 14 of this ordinance.

(Ord. No. 2015-01, § 1, 4-8-2015)