§ 1514. Multi-family development policies and standards

Latest version.
  • All residential development, other than single-family detached housing on individual lots, on land designated by the general plan for medium density or high density shall be developed in accordance with the following standards:


    Multi-family residential projects involving ten or more dwelling units shall be reviewed under planned unit development (PUD) provisions of the zoning code.


    The extent and rate at which multi-family development is allowed to occur during a given year shall be governed, in part, by realistic demands in the housing market as established by competent housing market analysis to be submitted by the applicant. Unsubstantiated market analysis shall be grounds for project disapproval by the city, even though multi- family use is designated for the property being considered by the general plan. The extent and rate of multi-family development shall also be governed by the policies and criteria for growth management as contained in the city's general plan.


    For projects intended to meet the housing needs of low and moderate income, market potential which depends solely on meeting the needs of households which reside in other cities or parts of Sacramento, San Joaquin or Solano Counties, and which exceeds the city's regional "fair-share" housing commitment under the housing element of the general plan may be grounds for project disapproval by the city.


    Multi-family projects involving 20 or more dwelling units shall include a minimum of 20 percent of net site area developed as landscaped open space, including front, side and rear yard areas required by this ordinance. A minimum of ten percent of net site area, excluding required yard areas, shall be developed for the common recreation use of tenants, and shall include the following:


    One tot lot having a minimum area of 400 square feet for preschool children for each increment of 50 dwelling units or less, excluding studio and one bedroom units and units intended solely for the elderly. Such tot lots shall contain a confined sand base, safe play equipment and security fencing where appropriate, as determined by the city.


    An area or areas aggregating at least 5,000 square feet for passive recreation (e.g., lounging, sun bathing, barbecue, reading, conversational), and including areas to be shaded by trees and/or structures.


    Multi-family projects involving less than 20 dwelling units shall include a minimum of ten percent of net site area developed as landscaped open space, excluding required yard areas, for the recreation use of tenants.


    For multi-family projects where the applicant requests a partial waiver of recreation impact fees required by city ordinance, all of the following areas and facilities shall be provided on a minimum of one acre of aggregate site area:


    Recreational open space for either passive or active recreational use, including at least one-half (½) acre of aggregate site area:


    Court areas involving any combination of area for tennis, badminton, volleyball, shuffleboard or similar hard-surfaced court game areas.


    Recreational swimming areas devoted primarily to swimming and wading, including lap pools and training pools, and further including adjacent area in lawn, decks, cabanas or similar pool-side facilities, at a standard of 800 square feet of water surface area per pool and 1,600 square feet of land area for related facilities, for each 40 dwelling units.


    Where multi-story dwelling units are proposed adjacent to existing or planned low density residential areas, building elevations and the locations of windows, balconies and air conditioning units above the first floor shall be reviewed by the planning commission to assure visual compatibility and residential privacy.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1102.D.1, all multi-family developments shall provide off-street parking for visitors at locations reasonably central to the units to be served at a ratio of one space for each four dwelling units. On-street parking spaces may be substituted for visitor parking at the ratio of one space for each eight units.


    Excluding visitor parking, at least one-half (½) of all off-street parking spaces in multi- family developments shall be covered by a garage or carport.


    Site development and maintenance shall be in accordance with a comprehensive landscape development plan approved by the planning commission, including automatic irrigation.

(Ord. No. 2015-01, § 1, 4-8-2015)