§ 704. Property development standards  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Fences, walls and hedges. Fences, walls and hedges shall be permitted in accordance with section 604.


    Site area. The minimum lot area shall be 3,000 square feet in the RM-3.0 districts, 2,000 square feet in the RM-2.0 districts and 4,000 square feet in the RM-4.0 district. The minimum site area in the RM-MH-5.4 district shall be five acres (see subsection 1203.C).


    Site area per dwelling unit. The minimum site area per dwelling unit shall be as follows:

    District Area Per Unit
    RM-MH-5.4 5,400 sq. ft.
    RM-4.0 4,000 sq. ft.
    RM-3.0 3,000 sq. ft.
    RM-2.0 2,000 sq. ft.



    Frontage, width and depth site.


    Each site, other than for a mobile home in a mobile home park, shall have not less than 50 feet of frontage on a public street, except that those sites which front on a cul-de-sac or loop-out street may have a frontage of not less than 40 feet provided the width of the site, as measures along the front yard setback line is at least 50 feet.


    The minimum width of each site, other than for a mobile home in a mobile home park shall be 50 feet.


    The minimum depth of each site, other than for a mobile home in a mobile home park shall be 80 feet.


    Coverage. The maximum site area covered by structures shall be as follows:

    District Area Per Unit
    RM-MH-5.4 See subsection 1203.C
    RM-4.0 50%
    RM-3.0 50%
    RM-2.0 60%



    Yard requirements.


    Front yard. The minimum front yard shall be 15 feet. Any fixed mechanical equipment shall not be located within the front yard. Garages or carports which open parallel to the street shall be set back 20 feet from the property line. Garages or carports may be set within 15 feet of a front property line where the garage or carport opening is perpendicular to the street requiring a curved driveway approach.


    Rear yard. The minimum rear yard shall be five feet. All other rear yard provisions of subsection 604.F.2 shall apply.


    Side yards. The provisions of section 604.F.3 shall apply.


    Distances between structures. The minimum distance between a dwelling unit and another structure shall be ten feet.


    Building height. No building or structure shall have a height greater than 35 feet, except as may be allowed under articles 14 and 16.


    Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure of any character shall be permitted except as provided in section 1204.


    Off-street parking and off-street loading. Off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided as prescribed in article 11.

(Ord. No. 2015-01, § 1, 4-8-2015)