§ 803. Required conditions
All businesses, services and processes shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed structure, except for off-street parking and off-street loading areas, gasoline service stations, outdoor dining areas, nurseries, garden shops, signs, Christmas tree sales lots, bus depots and transit stations, public utility stations, and used car sales incidental to new car sales.
No use shall be permitted and no process, equipment or materials shall be used which are found by the planning commission to be objectionable to persons living or working in the vicinity by reasons of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, water-carried waste, noise, vibration, illumination, glare or unsightliness or to involve any hazard of fire, explosion or toxic chemicals.
Temporary sidewalk sales and use of the public right-of-way for the display and sales of merchandise shall require approval by the city staff. Permanent use for such purposes is strictly prohibited.
Nonresidential uses, as allowed in this section, shall have a minimum area of 900 square feet or 50 percent shall take place at the front of the building. The front of the building is that portion adjacent to the street.
(Ord. No. 2015-01, § 1, 4-8-2015)