§ 904. Required conditions  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In any industrial district, all open and unlandscaped portions of any lot shall be maintained in good condition free from weeds, dust, trash and debris.


    No use shall be permitted and no process, equipment or materials shall be employed which is found by the commission to be injurious to persons residing or working in the vicinity by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, noise, vibrations, illumination, glare or heavy truck traffic or to involve any hazard of fire, explosion or radio activity or to emit electrical disturbances which adversely affect commercial or electronic equipment outside the boundaries of the site.


    No solid or liquid wastes shall be discharged into a natural watercourse, nor into a public or private sewage disposal system except in compliance with applicable regulations of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.


    No use shall emit particulate matter or other air pollutants in excess of the applicable air pollution emission standards of the Sacramento County Air Pollution Control District, the state or of the federal government.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph D of this section, no industrial use shall be permitted to utilize coal in any form as a source of fuel for the conduct of any industrial operations within the city.

(Ord. No. 2015-01, § 1, 4-8-2015)